Your Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Skills

Complete the questionnaire below to learn more about your social, emotional, and behavioral skills. These are the skills that you use to start and support your relationships, keep your emotions in check, achieve your goals, and learn from experience. They’re things like goal setting, leadership, teamwork, creativity, and emotion regulation.

  • Read our consent form, which explains the benefits of this free, anonymous test, as well as your rights.
  • There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, but note that you will not obtain meaningful results unless you answer the questions seriously.
  • These results are being used in scientific research, so please try to give accurate answers.
  • Your results will be displayed as soon as you submit your answers.


Here is a list of activities or things you could do. For each one, please select a response to indicate how well you can do that thing. For example, how well can you follow the instructions for an assignment? Note that how well you can do something may be different from how often you do it, or how much you like to do it. For each activity, you should rate how well you can do that thing.






Not at all well

Not very well

Pretty well

Very well

Extremely well


Not at all well

Not very well

Pretty well


Extremely well


1. Plan out my time.
2. Lead a group of people.
3. Understand how other people feel.
4. Calm down when I'm feeling anxious.
5. Understand abstract ideas.
6. Concentrate on a task.
7. Express my thoughts and feelings.
8. See the good in people.
9. Keep a positive attitude.
10. Come up with new ideas.
11. Keep track of my promises and commitments.
12. Start a conversation.
13. Cooperate with other people.
14. Control my temper.
15. Create art.

Not at all well

Not very well

Pretty well


Extremely well


16. Work toward my goals.
17. Speak up when I disagree with others.
18. Get along with people.
19. Find reasons to feel good about myself.
20. Learn about other cultures.
21. Keep things neat and tidy.
22. Maintain a high energy level.
23. Take responsibility when I've made a mistake.
24. Control my impulses.
25. Make sense of complex information.
26. Do tasks that are routine or repetitive.
27. Assert myself as a leader.
28. Sympathize with other people's feelings.
29. Settle down when I'm feeling nervous.
30. Discuss complicated topics and ideas.

Not at all well

Not very well

Pretty well


Extremely well


31. Double-check my work.
32. Tell people how I am feeling.
33. Forgive people quickly.
34. Stay positive when something bad happens.
35. Invent things.
36. Follow the rules.
37. Talk to people.
38. Work as part of a group.
39. Stop myself from getting angry.
40. Draw or paint.
41. Think things through carefully.
42. Win arguments.
43. Make a positive impression on people.
44. See my good qualities.
45. Understand people from different backgrounds.

Before submitting your responses, please help us improve this site by answering a few demographic questions about yourself. These questions are entirely optional and will not affect your feedback.

About You

Have you completed this questionnaire before? Yes No

What is your gender? Male Female Another gender

What is your age? years

What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply.
American Indian/Native American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Do you speak English fluently? Yes No

Where would you place yourself on the following spectrum of social class?

If you currently live in the USA, in which state do you live? What is your zip code?

If you currently live outside of the USA, in what country do you live?

Education and Work
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

What is your current employment status?

Marriage and Family
What is your current marital status?

Are you a parent? Yes No