Find Your Hogwarts House:
The Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Test

Complete the questionnaire below to find your Hogwarts house! This quiz is based on a test developed by personality researchers. It can be used to describe children, adolescents, and adults of any age.

  • Read our consent form, which explains the benefits of this free, anonymous test, as well as your rights.
  • There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, but note that you will only obtain meaningful results if you answer the questions seriously.
  • These results are being used in scientific research, so please try to give accurate answers.
  • Your results will be displayed as soon as you submit your answers.


Here is a list of statements about activities or things you could do. For each one, please select a response to indicate how much you agree or disagree with that statement. For example, do you agree or disagree that you can follow the instructions for an assignment?






Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


1. I am effective at leading a group of people.
2. I find it hard to sympathize with other people's feelings.
3. I find it challenging to show up for things on time.
4. I excel at understanding abstract ideas.
5. I have a difficult time staying calm in stressful situations.
6. I excel at tidying up after myself.
7. I have a hard time using my energy in productive ways.
8. I can let go of a grudge.
9. It's easy for me to repeat a task consistently.
10. I am capable of looking inside myself.
11. It's hard for me to stop myself from feeling pessimistic.
12. I struggle to keep working until a task is finished.
13. I am skilled at winning debates with other people.
14. I find it hard to make people smile.
15. I am terrible at checking work for mistakes.
16. It's difficult for me to find new ways to do things.
17. I am good at explaining what I am thinking and feeling.
18. I find it challenging to do as I'm told.
19. I find it easy to try new things.
20. I have a hard time calming down when I feel angry.
21. I find it easy to have other people rely on me.
22. I am excellent at solving puzzles.
23. I am terrible at working as part of a group.
24. I find it difficult to set clear goals.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


25. It's difficult for me to introduce myself to strangers.
26. I am great at finding things to like about myself.
27. I can make careful decisions.
28. I am skilled at drawing or painting.
29. I am good at doing what's morally right, even when it's difficult.
30. I have a hard time controlling my cravings.
31. I have difficulties with doing things independently.
32. It's difficult for me to learn about other cultures.
33. I am confident at making decisions for a group of people.
34. I have a hard time feeling compassion for other people.
35. I have difficulties getting to appointments on time.
36. I am skilled at having intellectual or philosophical discussions.
37. It's easy for me to stop myself from worrying.
38. I find it easy to organize my personal spaces.
39. I am bad at finding the energy to get things done.
40. I have a difficult time letting people borrow my things.
41. I can't keep doing a task if it's boring.
42. I am good at understanding myself.
43. I am excellent at looking on the bright side of things.
44. It's hard for me to get started on tasks.
45. I can confront people when I disagee with them.
46. I have a hard time making people feel comfortable.
47. I am below average at paying attention to details.
48. I am good at putting ideas together in a new way.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


49. I find it easy to express myself.
50. I am excellent at obeying the law.
51. I am bad at adapting to new surroundings.
52. I am great at controlling my temper.
53. I have a difficult time following through on commitments.
54. I can handle a lot of information.
55. I am bad at contributing to group projects.
56. I am excellent at making plans to achieve a goal.
57. I am good at meeting new people.
58. I struggle to have confidence in myself.
59. I am capable of stopping and thinking things through.
60. I find it difficult to create art.
61. I am bad at taking responsibility when I've made a mistake.
62. I am capable of resisting temptations.
63. I am excellent at thinking for myself.
64. I am good at understanding people from different backgrounds.
65. It's difficult for me to assert myself as a leader.
66. I find it easy to take another person's perspective.
67. I am a master of following a schedule.
68. I have a hard time discussing complicated topics and ideas.
69. I am capable of coping with stress.
70. I am terrible at keeping things neat and tidy.
71. I find it difficult to keep going when I'm tired.
72. It's hard for me to see the good in people.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


73. I am an expert at following a consistent routine.
74. I struggle to understand my emotions.
75. I have an easy time staying in a good mood.
76. I am skilled at focusing on my work.
77. I find it hard to change people's minds.
78. It's difficult for me to get along with people.
79. I am awful at taking care of details.
80. It's easy for me to use my imagination.
81. I struggle to express my thoughts and feelings.
82. I have difficulties with following instructions.
83. I have an easy time adjusting to new routines.
84. I find it hard to control my anger.
85. I shine at managing my responsibilities.
86. I struggle to make sense of complex information.
87. I am great at working with people toward a shared goal.
88. I have a hard time focusing on my most important goals.
89. I am bad at making conversation with a stranger.
90. It's easy for me to find reasons to feel good about myself.
91. I am bad at weighing pros and cons before making a decision.
92. I have a hard time appreciating art, music, and literature.
93. I am capable of telling the truth, even when I don't want to.
94. I can break my bad habits.
95. I have a hard time making decisions on my own.
96. I find it hard to appreciate different cultures.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


97. I am terrible at taking charge of situations.
98. It's difficult for me to respect people's feelings.
99. I can manage my time.
100. It's easy for me to think about the nature of the world.
101. It's difficult for me to relax when I'm feeling tense.
102. I am a master of keeping things in order.
103. I can maintain a high energy level.
104. I find it easy to assume the best about people.
105. I find it hard to repeat a standard procedure many times.
106. I have a difficult time reflecting on my life.
107. I can stay positive when something bad happens.
108. I am great at keeping myself from getting distracted.
109. It's hard for me to speak up when I disagree with others.
110. I am good at making a positive impression on people.
111. I am an expert at finding and correcting mistakes.
112. I struggle to come up with creative ideas.
113. It's easy for me to tell people how I am feeling.
114. I have an easy time doing what I'm supposed to do.
115. I find it difficult to step out of my comfort zone.
116. It's difficult for me to stop myself from getting angry.
117. I shine at fulfilling my duties and obligations.
118. I find it hard to process new information.
119. I am effective at collaborating with classmates or coworkers.
120. It's difficult for me to work hard to succeed.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


121. I find it hard to talk to people.
122. I find it easy to respect myself.
123. I have a difficult time thinking before acting.
124. I can't create beautiful things.
125. I can stop myself from lying and cheating.
126. I am good at controlling my impulses.
127. It's difficult for me to do things on my own.
128. I find it easy to study other languages or cultures.
129. I can't give a speech.
130. I am great at sensing other people's needs.
131. I find it difficult to organize my schedule.
132. It's hard for me to think deeply about things.
133. I am bad at calming down when I feel anxious.
134. I have a hard time putting things back in their proper place.
135. I am great at staying active.
136. I am capable of forgiving people quickly.
137. It's hard for me to do the same task over and over again.
138. It's easy for me to pay attention to my thoughts and feelings.
139. I find it difficult to keep a positive attitude.
140. I am capable of working efficiently, without wasting time.
141. I excel at winning arguments.
142. It's easy for me to show people that I like them.
143. I excel at double-checking my work.
144. I can't invent things.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


145. It's hard for me to tell people about my emotions.
146. I am awful at respecting authority.
147. It's hard for me to try something that's unfamiliar.
148. I am skilled at stopping myself from getting mad.
149. I am bad at keeping track of my promises and commitments.
150. I am bad at learning things quickly.
151. I have a difficult time cooperating to get things done.
152. I am effective at working toward my goals.
153. I am great at starting a conversation.
154. I am terrible at seeing my strengths.
155. I find it hard to think things through carefully.
156. I am capable of making music.
157. I struggle to follow my ethical principles.
158. I find it hard to stop myself from acting on impulse.
159. I am effective at making my own choices.
160. I am great at understanding people's cultural identities.
161. I am capable of convincing people to follow my lead.
162. I am an expert at understanding how other people feel.
163. I am skilled at planning out my time.
164. I find it difficult to feel curious about ideas.
165. I am effective at settling down when I feel nervous.
166. I struggle to clean up after making a mess.
167. I find it easy to keep myself motivated.
168. I can't trust people.

Disagree strongly


Neutral; no opinion


Agree strongly


169. I am great at doing tasks that are routine or repetitive.
170. I find it hard to examine myself and my life.
171. I struggle to stay optimistic when things go wrong.
172. It's difficult for me to concentrate on a task.
173. I have a difficult time being blunt and direct with people.
174. I am skilled at putting people at ease.
175. I am effective at paying careful attention to my work.
176. I find it easy to come up with new ideas.
177. I find it difficult to explain what's on my mind.
178. I am good at following the rules.
179. I am great at adapting to change.
180. It's easy for me to settle down when I feel annoyed.
181. I struggle to follow through on promises.
182. I am great at finding logical solutions to problems.
183. I find it easy to cooperate with other people.
184. I am good at setting high standards for myself.
185. I have an easy time talking to classmates or coworkers.
186. It's hard for me to see my good qualities.
187. It's easy for me to consider the consequences of my decisions.
188. I can write stories or poems.
189. I find it difficult to be honest with people.
190. I am bad at avoiding temptation.
191. I can get things done by myself.
192. It's hard for me to get along with people from different backgrounds.

Which Hogwarts house do you think you should be placed in?

Which Hogwarts house would you most like to be placed in?

Before submitting your responses, please help us improve this site by answering a few demographic questions about yourself. These questions are entirely optional and will not affect your feedback.

About You

Have you completed this questionnaire before? Yes No

What is your gender? Male Female Another gender

What is your age? years

What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply.
American Indian/Native American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Do you speak English fluently? Yes No

Where would you place yourself on the following spectrum of social class?

If you currently live in the USA, in which state do you live? What is your zip code?

If you currently live outside of the USA, in what country do you live?

Education and Work
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

What is your current employment status?

Marriage and Family
What is your current marital status?

Are you a parent? Yes No