Understand Your Child

Complete the questionnaire below to better understand your child’s personality! This questionnaire has been developed by psychologists to provide a comprehensive description of personality.  It can be used to rate the personalities of children, adolescents, and adults of any age.  If you have more than one child that you would like to rate, you can complete this questionnaire multiple times, once for each child.

  • Read our consent form, which explains the benefits of this free, anonymous test, as well as your rights.
  • There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, but note that you will not obtain meaningful results unless you answer the questions seriously.
  • These results are being used in scientific research, so please try to give accurate answers.
  • Your results will be displayed as soon as you submit your answers.


Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to your child. For example, do you agree that your child is someone who likes to spend time with others? Please select a response next to each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with that statement.







a little

no opinion

a little


My child is someone who . . .


a little

no opinion

a little



1. Is outgoing, sociable.
2. Is compassionate, has a soft heart.
3. Tends to be disorganized.
4. Is relaxed, handles stress well.
5. Has few artistic interests.
6. Has an assertive personality.
7. Is respectful, treats others with respect.
8. Tends to be lazy.
9. Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback.
10. Is curious about many different things.
11. Rarely feels excited or eager.
12. Tends to find fault with others.
13. Is dependable, steady.
14. Is moody, has up and down mood swings.
15. Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things.
16. Tends to be quiet.
17. Feels little sympathy for others.
18. Is systematic, likes to keep things in order.
19. Can be tense.
20. Is fascinated by art, music, or literature.
21. Is dominant, acts as a leader.
22. Starts arguments with others.
23. Has difficulty getting started on tasks.
24. Feels secure, comfortable with self.
25. Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions.
26. Is less active than other people.
27. Has a forgiving nature.
28. Can be somewhat careless.
29. Is emotionally stable, not easily upset.
30. Has little creativity.
31. Is sometimes shy, introverted.
32. Is helpful and unselfish with others.
33. Keeps things neat and tidy.
34. Worries a lot.
35. Values art and beauty.
36. Finds it hard to influence people.
37. Is sometimes rude to others.
38. Is efficient, gets things done.
39. Often feels sad.
40. Is complex, a deep thinker.
41. Is full of energy.
42. Is suspicious of others’ intentions.
43. Is reliable, can always be counted on.
44. Keeps their emotions under control.
45. Has difficulty imagining things.
46. Is talkative.
47. Can be cold and uncaring.
48. Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up.
49. Rarely feels anxious or afraid.
50. Thinks poetry and plays are boring.
51. Prefers to have others take charge.
52. Is polite, courteous to others.
53. Is persistent, works until the task is finished.
54. Tends to feel depressed, blue.
55. Has little interest in abstract ideas.
56. Shows a lot of enthusiasm.
57. Assumes the best about people.
58. Sometimes behaves irresponsibly.
59. Is temperamental, gets emotional easily.
60. Is original, comes up with new ideas.
61. Shows their thoughts and feelings in the way they look and act, but does not talk much about what they think and how they feel.
62. Is considerate and thoughtful of other people.
63. Thinks things out and reasons like a very mature person.
64. Is nervous and fearful.
65. Tries to blame other people for things they have done themself.
66. Is curious and exploring; likes to learn and experience new things.
67. Lets their peers know it when they are upset or angry. Doesn’t hold back their own feelings when they feel upset or angry.
68. Is a warm person and responds with kindness to other people.
69. Finds ways to make things happen and get things done.
70. Worries about things for a long time.
71. Tries to see what and how much they can get away with. Usually pushes limits and tries to stretch the rules.
72. Is physically active. Enjoys playing sports, running, and exercise.
73. Likes to keep their thoughts and feelings to themself.
74. Gets along well with other people.
75. Is determined in what they do; does not give up easily.
76. Can bounce back and recover after a stressful or bad experience.
77. Tries to take advantage of other people.
78. Is a very smart person (even though formal tests and evaluations might not show this).
79. Is open and straightforward.
80. Is helpful and cooperates with other people.
81. Has high standards for themself. Needs to do very well in the things they do.
82. Cries easily.
83. Tries to get others to do things by playing up to them. Acts charming in order to get their way.
84. Is energetic and full of life.
85. Holds things in. Has a hard time expressing themself; is a little bit uptight.
86. Makes good and close friendships with other people.
87. Is neat and orderly in the way they dress and act.
88. Freezes up when things are stressful, or else keeps doing the same thing over and over.
89. Worries about not getting their share of material things, food, or love. Seems afraid they won’t get enough.
90. Daydreams; often gets lost in thought or a fantasy world.
91. Openly shows the way they feel, whether it’s good or bad.
92. Is eager to please.
93. Pays attention well and can concentrate on things.
94. Is calm and relaxed; easy-going.
95. Is jealous and envious; wants what other people have.
96. Likes to compete; is always testing and comparing themself to other people.
97. Likes to be by themself; enjoys doing things alone.
98. Shows concern about what’s right and what’s wrong.
99. Plans things ahead; thinks before they do something. “Looks before they leap.”
100. Tends to go to pieces under stress; gets rattled when things are tough.
101. Teases and picks on their peers.
102. Usually gets wrapped up in what they are doing.
103. Is a talkative person; talks a lot.
104. Is protective of others. Protects people who are close to them.
105. Can be trusted; is reliable and dependable.
106. Needs to have people say that they are doing well or ok. Is not very sure of themself.
107. Is aggressive. (For example, picks fights or starts arguments.)
108. Is well-coordinated. (For example, does well in sports.)
109. Is shy; has a hard time getting to know people.
110. Is able to see how others feel; can put themself in another person’s place.
111. Is able to do many things well; is skillful.
112. Speaks up and sticks up for themself; goes after what they want.
113. Is stubborn.
114. Is creative in the way they look at things; the way they think, work, or play is very creative.
115. Tends to get sick when things go wrong or when there is a lot of stress. (For example, gets headaches, stomach aches, throws up.)
116. Gives, lends, and shares things.
117. Thinks about their actions and behavior; uses their head before doing or saying something.
118. Gets nervous if they are not sure what’s going to happen or when it’s not clear what they are supposed to do.
119. Is bossy and likes to dominate other people.
120. Is fast-paced; moves and reacts to things quickly.
121. Is self-confident and sure of themself; makes up their own mind.
122. Is obedient and does what they are told.
123. Often feels guilty; is quick to blame themself, even though they might not talk about it.
124. Feels unworthy; has a low opinion of themself.
125. Lets little problems get to them and is easily upset. It doesn’t take much to get them irritated or mad.
126. Likes to dream up fantasies; has a good imagination.
127. Has their feelings hurt easily if they are made fun of or criticized.

Before submitting your responses, please help us improve this site by answering a few demographic questions about yourself and your child.These questions are entirely optional and will not affect your feedback.

About You About This Child

Have you completed this questionnaire before to describe any child? Yes No

What is your gender? Male Female Other

What is your age? years

What is your ethnicity? Check all that apply.
American Indian/Native American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Do you speak English fluently? Yes No

Where would you place yourself on the following spectrum of social class?

If you currently live in the USA, in which state do you live? What is your zip code?

If you currently live outside of the USA, in what country do you live?

Education and Work
What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

What is your current employment status?

Marriage and Family
What is your current marital status?

Have you completed this questionnaire before to describe this particular child? Yes No

What is this child's gender? Male Female Other

What is this child's age? years

What is this child's ethnicity? Check all that apply.
American Indian/Native American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

What is your relationship with this child?

Does this child live in your home?
Always Sometimes Never

About how frequently do you see or talk with this child?